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Hypersexuality (sexual addiction)

When sex becomes a hard drug

Introduction: Sex addiction and its manifestations

Sex addiction, also known as hypersexuality, is a disorder that affects the daily lives of millions of people around the world. It is characterised by an obsession with, or over-reliance on, sex, which can have negative consequences for mental and physical health, personal and professional relationships. This article explores the signs and symptoms of sex addiction, the factors that contribute to this addiction, and the different treatment options available.


Signs and symptoms: How to recognise sex addiction?

Sex addiction can manifest itself in different ways, but some signs are more common than others. These signs include

- A constant and excessive preoccupation with sex and sexual activities

- Inability to control or reduce sexual behaviours

- Compulsive sexual activities that may endanger one's health or the health of others

- Sexual behaviours that lead to relationship, work or legal problems

- Continuing sexual activities despite the negative consequences they cause- The need to increase the frequency or intensity of sexual activities to achieve the same satisfaction

It is important to note that sex addiction is not limited to sexual relationships as such. People may also be addicted to pornography, cybersex, excessive fantasies, escorts in Zurich or other sexual behaviours. Each case is unique and may vary from person to person.


Contributing factors: What can cause sex addiction?

- Biological factors, such as chemical imbalances in the brain

- Psychological factors, such as mood disorders, anxiety, or past trauma

- Social factors, such as isolation, stress, or pressure to be sexually active

- Exposure to cultural influences, such as the media or the sex industry, which may normalize or encourage compulsive sexual behavior.

Amongst film references, Steve McQueen's film "Shame" (2011) addresses the theme of sexual addiction through the character of Brandon, played by Michael Fassbender. This film highlights the difficulties faced by people suffering from this addiction and the negative consequences on their daily lives.